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St Kitts #22

to play on the gallery because they say it is cooler. However, I prefer a screened house away from mosquitoes - and I doubt that it is any warmer. It is just a silly idea they have here that screening keeps out the breeze, so they'd rather be eaten alive and run the danger of getting phalaria (which is [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] common) to going inside. If they want to be such saps, o.k. but they can't beg [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] or force me to do same.
This evening was quite warm at the hotel and we did nothing much but visit. Mrs MacDonald gave me a big box of shells which [[underlined]] she [[/underlined]] had picked up at Frigate Bay. Miss Glegg also gave me a few from Bathsheba Barbados.
Dick & Mr Hazlett were having quite a "bull session" and we decided to leave them and go out on the pier for a breath of air. It was nice out there as they have seats. We stayed quite a while, and I heard a lot of island gossip - most of which I've forgotten now.
[[margin]] Oct 19 Mon. [[/margin]]
Dick was out and I did a little washing and airing. These rainy days make things so musty and full of mildew that sun and air is very
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important. It takes no time at all for leather things to acquire a thick coat of mold.
I rested most of the afternoon, then after dinner we went up to Mrs Thurstons. Those there were Frank Drayton & his mother, Miss Yarwood, Miss Glegg, Miss Goodall (Vi), & Miss Evelyn (Blanche) - plus the 2 of us.
After bridge, just as we were going home there was quite a discussion of "what is this modern (young) world coming to". Miss Yarwood is all for the young folks and I was surprized at Mrs Thurston being quite old fashioned. I think she is another example of a person who never has young folks around her, and the only ones she notices are the flagrant ones - hence she thinks they are all alike. She doesnt consider me - for example - as a sample of the present generation, because I conform to her ideas of past generations, yet I am younger than many of the "modern young people" of whom she speaks. I know this to be a fact as she used members of the tennis club as her examples.
One thing which makes me see red is to have my generation criticised because older people will only pay attention to the loud ones. They never like it when