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St Kitts #26

with him in Trinidad.
Dick and I have noticed that people ask a lot of questions but rarely pay attention to what we answer. After [[strikethrough]] having had [[/strikethrough]] one experience,
of [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]]
having about 5 people - one after the other - ask me if I knew Mrs Nöel Branch, and none paying any attention to my previous answer, Dick suggested that in the future I try giving a different answer each time and take note of whether they notice it. This afternoon I had occassion to try out his suggestion. Any number of people asked me whether we were going to the reception at Govt House and to each I gave a different answer. I also observed the reaction of the person I had last answered, and strange to say not one showed any sign of surprize. I dont believe it was politeness either, it was sheer inattention.
[[margin]] Oct 21 Wed. [[/margin]]
Mr Graves telephoned early this morning and asked me to come over. When I got there he told me that Barclay's had lost my check and he gave me a copy of the letters showing what had taken place. He was very nice and helpful.
The rest of the day was rather unevent-
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ful. Mr Brand - the cat - comes to us regularly for his tea. He is very polite and does no snatching. He knows that his eating place is [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] on the desk so he doesnt try any monkey-shines.
[[margin]] Oct 22. Thurs. [[/margin]]
It rained most of the day. Not a very good day for the affair at Gov't House. The acting [[strikethrough]] Governors [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Administrator's [[/insertion]] name is Milburn (Dr) and his wife and daughter, Honor, arrived the day after we did - on the "Inanda". The local lights seem well pleased with the daughter as they were expecting her to put on a lot of "swank" and she didn't. She is just a very nice English girl.
In the evening we went out to the Draytons to play bridge. Our taxi fare there and back was only 2/6. We took Miss Glegg out with us. The other people who came were Mrs Thurston, Miss Yarwood, Miss Yarwood's brother (or brother-in-law) Blanche Evelyn (pronounced Eve-el-in or Evil-in) Miss Glegg & us. ^[[insertion]] Agnes Goodall [[/insertion]]
While there, the Draytons dog gave an exhibition of his ability to kill spiders. He is a cute little thing called Carlo - part fox terrier.
Mr Drayton also showed us his [[strikethrough]] p [[/strikethrough]] solution to the Bridge problem. The problem and solution are thus: -