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St Kitts #30

of any help, then everyone not concerned with the trip has been most helpful. To hear some people talk one would think that the difficulties encountered, in climbing these dinky island mountains, are second to none. "A cada changa su changito es el mas [[strikethrough]] mo [[/strikethrough]] bonito". (each mother monkey thinks her baby the prettiest)
Anyway,they were on their way a little before sunrise. It sprinkled a little but it looked as if the day would be nice. The sun rise was lovely.
I went to church this morning. I forgot to say that on Thurs. we heard of the death of Archbishop Hutson in Chicago. There was no sermon this morning but the Archdeacon told us a little of the circumstances surrounding the Archbishop's death. He was ill when he left here, and he caught pneumonia in Chicago. He will be burried in Boston where he has a brother living.
In the afternoon I hired a car and a bunch of us went over to Frigate Bay to swim. Total cost 5/.
When we got home we found Dick & the others were back. Mr Hazlett suffered
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an injury - a spine in his leg - which is more fully told of by Dick.
On the trip Dick discovered that Mr Drayton is a stamp collector too, so we were invited out there in the evening to do some exchanging. Frank came in for us, and we spent a most enjoyable and profitable evening.
[[margin]] Oct 26 Mon. [[/margin]]
This morning, while packing, a tourist guide by the name of John Wesley came by and offered to take me to several places where I could buy stamps. I went 2 places with him - no success. Dick went in the afternoon with the same result. However I made an appointment for tomorrow at 8:30 which I hope pans out. The morning was not entirely a failure as I managed to buy several 2/6 + 2/ Bermuda stamps for 6d apiece.
In the afternoon we were out to the Draytons again and in the evening they came in & Dick & Frank finished up on the trading. I played bridge, but I had a hard time concentrating on the cards- my mind was [strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] on too many other things.