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[[preprinted]] 102 [[/preprinted]] St Croix #2. a little billious [[underlined]] Sunday November 1, 1936 [[/underlined]] To club in morning, met Mr Joe Schon, [[insertion]] (Bull Line agent) [[/insertion]] Mrs Fischrupp (divorcee) [[insertion]] V.I. Co. Sec. [[/insertion]] Mr & Mrs McConnell, (low cost housing) Mr Miller (gift shop) and Judge Knoll. Mrs Curry & Betty were there, as was a Mrs Walsh of St Thomas. I like Mrs McConnell as she isnt afraid to speak her mind - she did specially well at this in telling a certain person that she didn't think it meritorious to boast how much liquor one could hold. Worked on stamps after tea. [[margin]] Nov 2. [[/margin]] A cold raw day - wore a jacket and in aft. went to bed, with a blanket - no other way of keeping warm. [[margin]] Nov 3. Tues. [[/margin]] Rain again- not quite so cold. Excitement about elections, both local and national. A man by name of Darsch is running for council against Mr Miles Merwin. Darsch heads a party called C.P.L. - has the negro vote, altho' he is white. Was a school teacher - married to a lovely little woman - began running with a black woman - lost his job - mistreated his wife - Last May she left him- did not sue for divorce - [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 103 [[/preprinted]] he "scandalized her name" (nigger expression all over town - small daughter named Helen - she is now trying to get a divorce - she still teaches at High School. He, having no job has turned politician. - a thorn in the side of the whites - probably a carpetbagger. [[margin]] Wed Nov 4. [[/margin]] Elections over- Roosevelt for another 4 years - People here disappointed, all except Virgin Is Co. which has a lot to gain from the Democratic party. Miss Fleming very pessimistic over election results here- C.P.L. in power. "Getting to be no place for whites". To town shopping - Millers and Mrs Davis - bought cute hankies - Millers nice things for gifts to family. Mr Miller would be satisfied with New Deal - his father in law has a big job (so they say) because of it. [[margin]] Thurs Nov 5. [[/margin]] Very rainy day- went to club to play ping pong - pretty good exercise. Dont know which is worst dumb Britishers or cocky Americans. All talking latest scandal - King Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson - some people actually seem to think he will marry