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St Croix #4.

her - or she him. Also dumb enough to think that if he did, that she would be crowned queen.
Have been told many times what a brilliant man Judge (very "ex") Knolls is, but I have yet to see it. He usually is so tanked up that he has to talk very slowly so as not to garble what he says. Haven't heard him show any brilliance yet (mixed metaphor!) - One of principal talkers about Mrs Wally Simpson, so I can only judge his mentality by that. He also thinks it shorter from China to the Panama Canal than from China to S.F.
[[margin]] Friday Nov 6. [[/margin]]
Nothing much to record - Betty Curry spent the night. We all had dinner together then played poker until bedtime.
[margin]] Nov 7. [[/margin]]
Went to Christiansted to shop - bought some pretty hankies + bib for Ardath. All at drug store. They had some lovely Chinese silk underwear - not so expensive 5.85 nightgowns. 3.75 for slips - Wished I'd taken camera as it was a lovely day.
To club to swim in aft. Also played ping pong. Mrs Curry & Judge came in for cocktails Dick came out to meet
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them. Dont think he was specially impressed.
In evening we walked down to Post Office, on way Mrs Darsch called to us to drop in on way back. - which we did. Judge & Mrs Curry there - a type of cat let out of bag about their having got married while in U.S. Soon after, Mrs Curry hurried him home- before he spilled any more. We stayed a while and played Rummy with Mrs Darsch.
Sent (they did) Betty up for Dick, but no soap again. He seemed tired when I got home - probably bored.
Sunday November 8, 1936
Dick went out with Mr Beatty + Mr Leaman. I fixed lunch for him. Mrs Darsch (Irene) and Helen came for lunch. She brought her game of "Monopoly" and we asked Mrs Hughes to come over & we played most of afternoon. A most interesting game. Dr Hughes came by later. The Hughes had lived in Mexico, but we didn't get much of a chance to talk about it.
Spent a quiet evening reading. Dick must have been bored again as his journal says "long evening"