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St. Croix #6

[[margin]] Nov 9. Mon. [[/margin]]
Have told Dick a number of times that I'm sick & tired of keeping this journal - and so I am. I wonder why I allow him to brow-beat me into writing in it! Nothing very exciting ever happens, and it takes so much time.
Playing quite a bit of ping pong. Good fun & exercise - we go almost every day. Did stamps before & after tea for a while, have enough along this line to keep me busy for years.
[[margin]] Tues. Nov 10. [[/margin]]
Did a wash of hair and a dress this morning. It made me feel tired. Wrote a few letters to go north and south on the "Nerissa" this evening.
After tea of ginger bread went to club to play ping pong. Judge Knoll & Mrs Curry there as usual. 
Miss Fleming & I fixed over an evening dress for her to wear tomorrow evening. I really did all the fitting and sewing - but I enjoyed it.
We were invited to the party - second handedly - and I refused as we neither know the hostess nor has she asked us. You dont find me going places under [[underlined]] those [[/underlined]] conditions. If the
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people here want us to go places they know how to invite us properly. I see no reason why we should place ourselves in a position to be criticized.
In the evening Dr and Mrs Hughes called. They had hardly arrived before the Dr was called to the hospital. He took Dick with him. The three of us women had a good chat - the Hughes were at La Colorada Mine, near Hermosillo - they knew the "Jim" Colbaths there - they left there in 1916 - Butler is as well known in the mining world as John Hays Hammond!! sic The Hughes have a daughter called either Cerrita or Sarita (I cant figure which)
The Dr & Dick were gone 3 hrs. In the meantime Mrs Hughes had gone home. He came in & had a glass of beer before going home. The job was to sew up a Puerto Rican who had been cut up in a brawl - 17 stitches in front - 20 ^ [[insertion]] some odd [[/insertion]] in back. Dick will probably tell about it.
[[margin]] Wednesday Nov 11. [[/margin]]
Armistice Day - [[strikethrough]] wo [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] one [[/insertion]] would never know it. Went to club in morning to bathe but it was too rough and there were many large fish near shore. After lunch Dick went out and I read