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[[preprinted]] 116 [[/preprinted]] St Croix #16 [[margin]] Friday Nov 20. [[/margin]] This morning as I went to town I saw a battleship out a sea on the leeward side of the island. It was making great speed. Later I heard it was the ship taking Pres. Roosevelt to the Inter-American Peace Conference in Buenos Aires. [[insertion]] The Indianapolis [[/insertion]] I went to see Mrs Hughes - first time I've been in their house - we had quite a chat and she loaned me several copies of Time and Harpers, also Alexis [[strikethrough]] Carell [[/strikethrough]] Carrel's - "Man the Unknown." She had previously given me "Tempest over Mexico" by Rosa E. King (Norman's mother ?) to read. I enjoyed it. We did stamps for a while in the afternoon and then after tea went for a long walk - a little over 3 miles - by way of Concordia & the main road. I've been helping Miss Fleming at night - sponge bath etc - but I'm ashamed to say that I only do it because of the Golden Rule, and not because of an uncontrolled desire to help this particular person. [[margin]] Sat Nov 21. [[/margin]] Mis F a little worse this morning and to cap it all her sister-in-law [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 117 [[/preprinted]] came over and insisted she take a cold shower. That just about laid her out. Then to finish off she bundled her up and rushed her to the Dr in Christiansted. I must say that her family are most inconsiderate of her health. The Dr says she is not to have alcoholic drinks so Mrs Curry brings her a 1/5 of gin. Then she sits in the bed room and jokes about Miss F's funeral and the scarcity of flowers. - not very appropriate for a nervous woman. Now, the first time her sister-in-law visits her she does a dumb trick like the above. Betty Curry was here for lunch and she pepped things up. She is another good example of present day adolescence - but I get a kick out of her, as well as feel sorry for her. Lots of excitement this afternoon as the Bishop (Catholic) arrived. He was met by the nuns and the convent children. He is a fine looking man. Mr & Mrs Latimer were at the window with me and as the Bishop passed he called out "God Bless you Mrs Latimer." Then some black woman in the crowd yelled - "Dats a Bishop for you - he Gahd Bless dem