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St Croix #22

the only people from [[strikethrough]] St [[/strikethrough]] Fredericksted. I simply marvel at her poise in the face of a most difficult & [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] trying situation. Some way or other someone mentioned island politics and the C.P.L. thereby bringing her ex-husband with his political and social affiliations into the picture. Most women would have crawled into their skins or else left the room. She merely answered something about Frederick in the most friendly way, and [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] cleverly steered the conversation into other channels. I think there were several gasps of relief.
[[underlined]] Mrs Sankas [[/underlined]] - The bride of the afternoon. She is very quiet but when she speaks it is with a slight southern accent. She is dark haired & complected - either Italian or some other south European. 
[[underlined]] Mrs Tiley [[/underlined]] - very nice, but dresses too severely. After Miss F's raving I expected her to be a beauty but such was not the case. However in the evening she seems to be a different woman as she is much more feminine (I never can remember that this word has an "e" in Spanish - but not in English). 
[[underlined]] Mrs Norris Nichols [[/underlined]] - after Miss F's talk
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I expected to find a very high hat and affected person. Instead, I found a most charming and poised one; a person who obviously enjoys being well groomed. Not only that, she is educated and intelligent. I liked her very much and she was certainly very nice to me. 
The tea was very good and I had the first ice box cookies I've had since coming to the West Indies. Mrs Hughes, strange to say, says she [[strikethrough]] does [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] can [[/insertion]] not make cakes, cookies or pastry and that the only kind of cooking she can do is the steak and potatoes variety. 
Thanksgiving came on November 26th this year and altho it was a little more eventful than last year, it was relatively quiet. In the morning I went to Pontifical Mass at the Catholic church. The Biship & 3 priests officiated. It was very nice altho a little long. I could see & enjoy it all as we were in the 2nd row from the front. I went with Mrs Curry & Betty, & Judge Nolls. 
After tea Miss Fleming & I went out to the club and played a few rounds of ping pong with Mrs Curry. Then we