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[[preprinted]] 142 [[/preprinted]] Puerto Rico #14. At the hospital I met Mr & Mrs Horn and Mrs Bartlett. I believe Mrs Bartlett lives at the hospital. The hospital is a lovely big building but the Dr who runs it takes boarders ^ [[insertion]] & roomers [[/insertion]] to help pay for part of the expense of the place. A hospital that size should really have more than one doctor, if filled with patients. When we left the hospital we took Mrs Oakley home and I took Billie and drove to town with Mrs Lee. On the way we met up with Mrs Bartlett who was walking to town so we picked her up. We did some shopping in town an then Mrs Bartlett said she wanted to go to the "Taller" to get some handkerchiefs, so we went along. This "taller" is one of about 30 - in Mayaguez alone - where they make handkerchiefs. They do not do any of the fine work here, and 25¢ is their top price. All the handkerchiefs are hand made and would cost about 50¢ (for the 25¢ ones) in the U.S. They also make some underwear. They have 2 big work rooms and we walked thru' and looked at what they were doing. We left Mrs Bartlett at the shop and drove back to the Station as Mrs Lee wanted to get the car back for Mr Lee to use. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 143 [[/preprinted]] The Lees lived in the Philippines until two years ago, and she liked it very much. She says that the servants out there are much better than in Pueto Rico. We went up to their house, which is a very fine home, and we rested a while before going down to look at the bamboo furniture factory. The factory - or work shop - is at the foot of the hill below the Lee's house. Mrs Lee has some very pretty ratan furniture which was made in the Philippines. She says that they have tried to grow ratan in the West Indies but have been unsuccessful. Some of the furniture made in the factory is crude, but most of it is very attractive. I was surprised at the number of things which can be made out of bamboo. They had lamps, beds, chaise lounges, all kinds of tables, window moulding, chairs, fences, doll houses, and many other things. After leaving the factory we walked thru' some of the garden, then up to a lab on the hill to see some bird skins (the man in charge knew little or nothing about them). They have a fair collection of humming bird skins. From there we went to