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[[preprinted]] 146 [[/preprinted]] Puerto Rico #18 of San Jose. He is a U.C. man 1915 and still more wonders an S.P.E. The way I found his fraternity [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] was thus - [[/insertion]] we were talking about Roy [[strikethrough]] Reigals ( [[/strikethrough]] Riegals and he asked me if I knew what fraternity Roy belonged to, and when I said S.P.E he was surprized no end, as he didnt even know they were frat brothers. What a small world! We had a very pleasant evening, and it was too bad Dick had to go ^ [[insertion]] out with Danforth [[/insertion]] as he missed getting to know the Lee's better. They lived in Hawaii and the Philippines and had a lot to say about both. The Lees left before Dick came back. [[margin]] Jan 6, 1937 [[/margin]] Well this is Las Reyes and Mrs Oakley had given her maid the day off. Dick hadn't mentioned going out and when 7 o'clock came I didnt wake him up - net result was that Danforth came by for him before he was even out of bed. Mrs Oakley & I spent the [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] morning [[/insertion]] doing nothing much of anything but talk, and a little packing, as everything had to be ready to take the 1 o'clock train. After lunch Mr Oakley took us to the train and the rest of the day was spent getting home. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 147 [[/preprinted]] [[margin]] Jan 7. Thurs. [[/margin]] We had to have breakfast at the Tavern as there was no milk left. We both set to work packing, after breakfast, but apart from this the day was rather uneventful. I went to town and took my material - the flowered stuff - to the dress maker and she will have my dress made by Saturday. [[margin]] Jan 8 Fri. [[/margin]] Tried to buy some alcohol for Dick in town, only to be told that I could buy only with a doctor's prescription and then only 1 litre per prescription. [[margin]] Jan 10 Sun. [[/margin]] Yesterday was only a busy day and all for nothing as the "Kungsholm" left us in the learch to-day. She didn't come into San Juan because of rough seas outside the Harbour. However we were not notified & went down with baggage etc. only to be told the sad news. Dick tried to see various people but couldn't and Mr Gonzales ^ [[insertion]] man in Behn Bros. agency [[/insertion]] told him nothing could be done until the morning. We came back to Olimpo Court and had dinner. If we get our money ^ [[insertion]] refunded [[/insertion]], we will try to take the plane on Wednesday. In the afternoon we went to town for ice cream and coming home we took