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a little rough.
As my first experience, I would say that I'm not too keen about flying. I'm a little too much of a worry wart. I wont say that I feel sick at the dips & rises but I find it gives me a tendency to belch. I felt better after I had eaten, but the coffee I took when we got off at San Pedro de Macoris didn't do much to help the cause.  The circumstances surrounding our eating lunch would have been amusing had they not contributed to Dick's tummy upset.
When we got in the auto to be taken to the other landing pier the head man seemed surprized that there were 4 people. I didn't think much of it except that I did notice there were 3 boxes (which later turned out to be lunch) marked P.A.A. on the floor of the car.  Well we kept getting hungrier & hungrier and when we got off at San Pedro & they gave us doughnuts and coffee we wondered if that were all.