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is the poorest of any we saw and there is no place for in transit passengers to sit down, nor any way for them to get to the rest rooms.
We were to change [[strikethrough] ships [[\strikethrough]] crews here, so we had to wait for the ship from Kingston to come in with the crew which was to take us back. The captain who had taken us thus far objected to so much baggage and so many passengers - we later learned he had good cause - but the new cap. did not seem to mind. However our first purser tipped us off that we better get our seats as soon as the go aboard signal was given. The plane hardly holds 10 comfortably yet they put 15 in and expected us to like it. Dick could not lie down or stretch out.
Just as we left Santiago the pilot gave us a slight fright by circling around as if to go back, but it was only to enable the passengers to have a last look at Cuba. With the plane as loaded as it was we wouldnt have been surprized had