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being that far behind the other W.I.'s
We had dinner and went to bed fairly early.
Friday January 22, 1937
Up betimes! Dick went to town but I stayed at the Hotel & wrote a letter to my family. Also read the paper and found our name in it twice.
Dick came home a little before noon, and at noon Miss Nixon came to take us to see Mrs Wooler at 6 Cargill Ave. The place is nice and new and we would have a nice room and Ed would be there too. The rates for us were a little cheaper [[insertion]] [[franc symbol]] 5 [[/insertion]] and for Ed 3 guineas. This is regardless of how long we stay. We said we would let her know later.
Miss Nixon took us back to the hotel. While having lunch, a bunch of not so hot looking tourists came in. There was also a bunch of Jamaicans - 2 very nice looking white girls and 4 disreputable looking men of color. We see a lot more of white girls with colored men on this island than on the smaller