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[[book rotated to left through 90 degrees]] [[right margin, boxed]] 1908 with Shackleton 1910 with Scott. [[/right margin, boxed]] Ant. Explor. Yesterday & today by Sir Raymond Priestly pp. 11 - 15 [[insertion, arrowed]] [[circled]] saw more in 2 months than in 3 yrs 50 yrs ago. [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] The Polar Record, Vol. 10, No. 64 Jan. 1960 [[insertion]] Dec. 1958 Deep Freeze IV p.18 [[/insertion]] [[[[line across page, in blue]] Staten Id. ^"If she, or a sister ship, were freed from orginary logistic duty, fitted with a laboratry and a complement of scientists (as indeed the Staten Island was) and let loose along the less accessible Antarchtic coasts from Oct to April, with launch and helicopter as auxillary [[insertion]] auxiliary [[/insertion]] aids, she could do more valuable work in that time than any static wintering party could accom - [[end page]] [[start page]] plish in a whole year." [[line]] ΒΆ A voyage in an icebreaker is a stimulating affair As [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Staten Island battered her way along I saw more of ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Antarctic coastline than I had imagined in my most optomistic dreams, I can imagine no more productive means of coastal exploration in Antarctica than to give such a ship a free hand for the whole summer season. In 16 days she had battered her way through 16 miles of solid ice, 6 to 8 ft thick in McMurdo Sound." rest of para is above last image in article. [[/book rotated to left through 90 degrees]]