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[[underlined]] Plastic containers [[/underlined]]
  " [[ditto for: plastic]] cover 1/9 1/9
write Ragotski
re Arctic 
| Seminar papers
[[line across page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Dec. 7th Lunch [[underlined]] 3/ [[/underlined]]
cheese & cracker [[underlined]] 3/1 [[/underlined]]
tape              /8
Book for Goodall 4/
Pap.            /6
Scotch tape  1/1
Tooth paste    2/4
Bus to Air pt. 1/6
[[line across page]]

Drinks. to group.   10/
[[line across page]]

Dec. 8. Sardines 1/7
Notebooks 1/11   1/7
           /11   2/
[[line across page]]

Drinks to Nash  7/
[[line across page]]

Rum at McMurdo $1.50