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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] any first hand real practical [[know?]] of sea, & when balled ^[[insertion]] informed or set right [[/insertion]] out by one who knows the sea they resent it because man has had no college training & that man is [[removed?]] [[strikethrough]] and is[[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] but [[/insertion]] is needed more than ever to "teach" those guys things they need to know, but don't, and what's worse feel they know better because of textbook knowledge & the degree they have, a Ph.D. never made a man out of what wasn't. // A sense of responsibility seems lacking, they lose a valuable pc. of gear, too often the attitude is "what the hell", cost did not come visibly or appreciably out of their personal pocket. [[line across page]] [like Kennedy spending - never worked - day in his life]. Whats a deficit to him. [[line across page]] Instead of man on duty with gadgets going down to wake next man on duty there should