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Sun. Jan 13/63 cont'd 
gested as if it had been sculpted to order. A few like a mushroom, or pedistal table, almost any thing in any line, human, animal, inanimate object was there to see and conjecture about. These were all fragments of 7 to 8 foot thick ice. This evenings ice cakes were thinner, newly formed ice after the heavier moved out to sea.
The evening sun at 8 hung in a leaden sky, over the ice strewn waters. Hope it turns out. I'm leary of all my sea & ice shots. Hope I've hit exposure right. Largest berg in dim distance, in late cloudy afternoon was 1 1/2 miles long! the 85 foot one was maybe a little shorter. We also saw a ^[[insertion]] 3/4 [[/insertion]] mile long one 65 feet high. These were the big rectangular, tubular ones for which the Antarctic seas are renowned. Remind me of the 1926 trip to [[strikethrough]] She [[/strikethrough]] South Shetlands where I saw a still larger one, but do not remember ever seeing so/many cakes, pans (or patches) of ice on that trip. Miles & miles of ice, Helicopters flew out 20 miles and reported that it looked that we would soon be free of it but isn't this the third day (Friday, Sat. & Sunday) we male miles Frid--- Sat.---, Sun.-----