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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] 22 [[/circled]] with Skuas. When he dodged they even flew lower, young were bit afraid but older ones Throwing rocks seems to deter them. [[underlined]] [[insertion]] Adelie [[/insertion]] Penguins [[/underlined]] are scattered about said he saw what looked like a penguin rookery but deserted; just a few birds about [[boxed text]] perhaps 2-3 dozen 30-40? in all [[/boxed text]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] We saw 2-3 here and there on ice cakes, compared with dozens on small bergs off "Adelaide" & Avian Id. I recall being asked about a gull that flew by, I believe it was here, it was a dominican gull (so plentiful at Avian Id.) [[line across page]] We left suddenly and unexpectedly neither I nor men concerned with them got out after traps which were ordered in. I was not asked or consulted Had planned a second tow net hawl. ^[[insertion of circled text from above line]] [[circled]] would like know reason why [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] Was it to get away for Tom Burkes flight to Jenny Id. if we had gone later he might not have been permitted to make