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[[insertion, printed clipping from ship's bulletin]] 22 JAN -- Anchored 500 yeards north of Bonaparte Point, Arthur Harbor, Anvers Island. Anchored in Arthur Harbor, Anvers Island 221500Z. Conducted preliminary survey, starting detailed survey. Remain same area. [[/insertion]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Tuesday Jan 22/1963[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]] Got away at eleven o'clock, took 2-3 pictures coming into Arthur Hb. Beautiful place; finally got away in boat assigned to me at 11 a.m. and [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] had to wait till then 10 mins while cook made up 8 lunches for boat crew and canister of coffee then made a tow net haul on way to find seal for bait came up upon one on little ice cake, and Mr. Thompson shot it through head Boys hopped over & skinned it Poblette wanted skin & I the skull. then tied it alongside & set traps after adding piece seal meat. made another tow net haul 5 mins [[surf?]] at 2p.m. [[insertion]] got two tiny [[lines]] euphausids [[lines]] ? [[/insertion]] wind got up as we took our seal back to ship. [[line across page]] [[underlined in blue crayon]] Got seal cut [[/underlined]] up and in large can skull was badly shattered, brain fell out. Cook (chief steward of our mess came aft for a piece of meat, & gave me a pc for dinner it was [[underlined]] excellent [[/underlined]] I must get a pc of the liver, which [[underlined]] Jack took up to cabin [[/underlined]]. [[margin note, written vertically from bottom to top]] [[underlined]] (2 traps in 20 fms ±) [[/underlined]] [[image - triangle]] and square put pc. seal meat in each) [[/margin note]]
Transcription Notes:
euphausiids = small shrimp-like crustaceans