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[[piece of clipping seen from previous page]] 23 JAN- Anchored [[?]] Bona[[?]]
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Adelies Arthur Hbr. last stronghold. [[circled]] 26 [[/circled]]
Jan. 22/23/63
see how it is: tonite I asked for air flight in a.m., and was told [[insertion]] [[underlined]] ship [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] had plans for plane, so I said I'd forgo - flight yet I did not get the flight I understood or misunderstood that I was to have here. Tom Burke has flown about everywhere & had a general survey of all the outlying island arranged for himself before I heard anything about it He & Lewis have been working hand in glove. Short cutting "Jack."
Also I was allowed to hunt for Bonapart PT areas (without success it was) had no chart only hearsay .
[[line across page]] Jan. 23
Two things made me sore as Hell missing or not getting mosses from Jenny Id.; and not getting a general survey flight over the Port Arthur, adjacent Id. area [[empty box figure]]
[[line across page]]
The birds I can only report what has been seen by others [[insertion]] Tom gave me promised list on Feb 26-63 [[/insertion]]
Most of the Islands have bird rookeries on them, not otherwise identified, I regret that I did not see Cape Monaco area.  It has