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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] 33 [[/circled]] Jan. 26 [[left margin, vertical wavy line]] This eve at 7:30 returned [[strikethrough]] clian [[/strikethrough]] chilean Lt. to his Base [[insertion]] "Yelcho" on South Bay. [[/insertion]] A type huts snug & weather tight, with [[reditube?]] on one side, [[circled]] creme de menth Liquor glass of it [[/circled]] [[Egupting?]] sunset. Mt. in [[strikethrough]] wool [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] cotton [[/insertion]] "batting" it seemed way the one of several mts was covered in part with cloud that on it alone hung surprisingly low [[/left margin, vertical wavy line]] Beautiful channel with land at end [[underlined]] blue flash [[/underlined]] as sun caught edge of iceberg [[underlined]] missed flash [[/underlined]] [[insertion, in blue crayon]] Priest Id shags on way to Yelcho [[/insertion]]
Transcription Notes:
Could [[reditube?]] refer to a ventilation device? (Currently in use as brand name for tracheal tube).
@siobhanleachman- I don't think so as he's talking about weather - doesn't seem to fit context - but you never know!