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[[insertion, clipping]] 27 JAN -- Completed survey Port Lockroy area. Underway for Argentine Islands 271900Z. Helo recon over Charcot Bay, Wauwerman and northern Dannebrog Islands shows no suitable site. ETA Argentine Islands 280800Z. Intend recon and possible survey there. [[/insertion]]

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[[circled]] 34 [[/circled]]
Jan 27, 1963 Sunday 
Boat trip to Dorian Bay.
There is a sheltered boat anchorage below "Refugio [[s?]]" Hut. But we did not discover channel (I yelled [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] skirt shore" [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] but it was not heeded. >[[insertion, from below]] Left at 8:20 a.m were back at ship at - 9:30 dropped Capt ^[[insertion]] Mac [[/insertion]] & Mr. Crowell ^[[insertion]] at ship [[/insertion]] and went on to pick up traps. 
[[margin]] [[circled *]] [[/margin]] got [[underlined, in red]] 7 fish (Notothenids) [[/underlined]] and a tremendous host of [[strikethrough]] sipunculid [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] nemertean [[/insertion]] worms "rove" all through trap meshes. [Lost them all boys did not take bottles out of bag, amphipods lost too.
[[line across page]]

[[underlined, in red]] Gentoo penguins on rocks. [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] Stopped ti [[/strikethrough]] After traps were lifted and ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] before [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] returned to ship when back to point where [[strikethrough]] sha [[/strikethrough]] small berg was being calved off. Hope got a good shot at begining of a berg!
[[margin]] [[circled *]] [[/margin]] [[margin, extended {]] This jar and amphipod one were left in my bag which "boys" took over (took charge of) and when I went ashore on 28 [[strikethrough]] got to [[/strikethrough]] lid of quart jar got broken. Then I scrubbed out mess with [[tooth?]] brush. see [[insertion]] also [[/insertion]] p.35 re this [[/margin, extended {]]
[[margin note]] 29 28 27 [[/margin]]