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[[insertion, clipping]] 28 JAN -- Anchored 3/4 miles south of Petermann Island. Conducted preliminary survey Pleneau Island and made helo recon islands south including Argentine Islands. Visited British station Argentine Islands. [[/insertion]]

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[[circled]] 35 [[/circled]]
[[circled]] Sundy 27 - Mon 28th Jan  
The mountains are fantastic as are the bergs. [[/circled]]

The Le Maier Channel through which we passed to spent the night floating about at 242 fms. no anchorage. drifting about this Monday morning in absolutely placid water. beautiful reflections. Many ice bergs fancy shapes all sizes [[image: = & church spire]] one almost spire like [[insertion]] Ship [[/insertion]] Floating around over deep hole in Le Muire channel. Fantastic mountains with heads in clouds a great deal of time///
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Jan 28 1967
[[insertion]] [[arrow up in margin from margin text]] [[double underlined]] Jan 28 [[/underlined]] Weddell seal [[/insertion]]

Capt. [[Mesch?]] told me of boat trip to id with [[underlined, in red]] gentoo penguin rookery [[/underlined]] ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] Pleneau Id [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] was to leave at 9:55a.m which gave me about 15 mins to get ready. I grabbed my green ruck sack that I'd let boys take care of and so [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] had [[/insertion]] 2 bottles from last fish trap haul that had not been taken out in bag when I went ashore naturally a quart jar of [[strikethrough]] sipunculids [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] nemertean [[/insertion]] was one & I had to scrub out the bag when I got back from shore. After lunch similar hurry to get off in helicopter at 1:15 for flight over Argentine Ids. saw place ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] & refugio there [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] where Charcot wintered over in Pourqui Pas, and English Base, with supply ship "Shakleton" lying off side. 
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[[margin]] Petermann Id |||| [[/margin]]

Over glacier and Penguin rookeries there were a number; Thomas said he had seen a [[underlined, in red]] single [[/underlined]] Adlie among all the Gentoos this a.m. //[[underlined, in red]] Gentoos near shore Adlies farther away. [[/underlined]] 
Birds numerous Skuas: most of them with head lighter grayer than rest of body. Dominican gulls very plentiful. One rockface had a lot of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] terns circling around it.
[[boxed text]] Birds of many ids. [[line]] [[strikethrough]] [[Fish]] [[/strikethrough]] No traps set townet hauls meager

Transcription Notes:
Jean-Baptiste August Étienne Charcot (1867 – 1936), was a French scientist, medical doctor and polar scientist.