Viewing page 59 of 107

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^[[29 Jan -- Anchored 2 miles north of Argentine Islands. Conducted survey Petermann Island. Proceeded to Argentine Islands.  USARP party visited British station Argentine Islands.]]

Argentine Ids. Jan 29/1963 (Summer staff, 1962-63
E. C. Chinn (Base Leader, statistician)
F. B. Potts (Senior Met.
[[circled asterisk]] C. P. Kimber (Met. Radio Sonde)
A. Gläser (Met. R/S Glacial)
A. Mack (Met R/S)
J?) I Vichersstaff (Ionospherice)
C. Slater ("""[[dittos for: Ionospherice]])
C. Davies (Physicist)
A. Thorne Middleton (Cook) [Photo]
A. Reece (Carpenter)
C. Wade (Wireless Op.)
T. Tallis (Diesel Mech.)
R. Lewis (Scientific GH) (?6H)

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[circled]] 36 [[/circled]]
Jan. 29/63 Tuesday
[[underlined]] Galindez Id [[/underlined]]

Twenty nine degrees this a.m. (29° F.) ^[[at 5 a.m ]] was 30 an hour before. skuas and ^[[black backed]] gulls mostly standing on one leg.  some sitting down, a few with both legs down, one or two flapping and soaring about.

^[[in margin]] on ice berg by ships on ice berg [[underlined]]close by [[/underlined]][[/in margin]]

[[line across page]]

This days orders: move to Argentine Ids at 1300. 

^[[slip of paper with list of names, as per facing page]]
Argentine Islands Jan. 29/ Jan 29.
(Summer 1962-3)
E.CHINN (Base leader/Statistician)
F.B.Potts (Senior Met.)
* C.P.Kimber (Met. Radio/Sonds)
A.Shärer (Met RS/Glacial)
A.Mack (Met. R/S)
I. Vickerstaff (Ionospheric)
C. Slater (- "[[ditto for: Ionospheric]] -)
C. Davies (Physicist)
A. Thorne-Middleton)(book)
A. Reece (Carpenter)
C. Wade (Wireless Op.)
T. Tallis (Diesel Mech.)
R. Lewis (Scientific Off)]]

overcast [[image - steps?]]
Got ashore 8:30 boat, and ret'd ship at 11 just in time for lunch. Did [[obscured by slip of paper]] sited the British Base here.
[[obscured]]feet long-28 wide houses everything [[obscured]]rage and generator house which [[obscured]] "hum dinger". Met Chinn, Lewis, and [[obscured]] Lewis a bird list as follows:
[[obscured]]ull  (resident)
[[obscured]]  (breed)
[[obscured]] tailed?  (breed)
[[obscured]] - (visitor) appear in bad weather         several to half dozen
[[obscured]](winter visitor)
[[obscured]]trel   (Breed)
[[obscured]]l  (breeds locally)
[[obscured]]Comorant  (breed)
[[obscured]]uins. = [[circled]] Jalour Is; [[Peterman Id?]] Petermens [[/circled]]
Casuals, Chin strap, once an Emperor
Fish Lamprey & sardine type . fish.

[[right edge of page]]
[[boxed text]] 
E. Chinn
55. St Clements Avenue
[[/boxed text]]

[[boxed text]]
F.Boyd Potts
110 Brackensdale Ave.
Kingsway, Derby, U.K.
[[/boxed text]]
[[line across page]]

[[three columns]]
[[column 1]]
R.E.J. Lewis
Home Farm
Aylesbury, Bucks  during 1964
[[/column 1]]

[[column 2]]
British Antarctic Survey
Argentine Ids.
Via, Stanley, Falkland Islands
[[/column 2]]

[[column 3]]
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Second in command has for [[seper?]] rooms 1 per
[[/column 3]]

Transcription Notes:
(Antelope-West) I think ret'd = returned.