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[insertion, clipping]] 30 JAN -- Anchored 2 miles northwest of Argentine Islands. Conduction biologic and geologic survey Argentine Islands to meet USARP requirements. Site data available. Well established United Kingdom station here. Plan to complete work Argentine Islands and proceed to Paradise Harbor on Danco Coast. [[/insertion]]

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[[circled]] p.37 [[/circled]]
[[double underlined]] Jan 30/63 [[/underlined]]
Temp. 31. Barometer 28.97
Light snow, though heaviest fall (it [[strikethrough]] see [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] looks [[/insertion]]) weve had on this trip. Sky very grey visibility poor, (helo's may not fly). Greenland Cruiser slated to go to Green Id. where ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] 4 acre [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] patch of vegetation is. 
Snowed half day but by mid afternoon there was quite a strip of blue & sunshine. Just about dinner time a [[strikethrough]] gr [[/strikethrough]] pretty good sized berg floated down along side ship, bunch of gulls aboard it & skuas Missed shot that Leonard got of their flying ^[[insertion]] off berg [[/insertion]] toward fan-tail as garbage was dropped in chute. In a.m about 10 went ashore with skipper - landed him & party set trap, & went ashore for mosses, got a few baked them till midnight. Had another drink toward 11, & ret'd to ship for late lunch. Capt. invited English ^[[insertion]] Base personel [[/insertion]] over again for movies. to bed at 1:05a.m. up at 5:30 & bed 6:30 on 31. 
The two dredge hauls this day netted, crinoid. gasteropod, worms... 
From anchor ascidians on stalks.
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[[double underlined]] (Jan 29 (cont'd)) The Base group came off last nite for movies. Olmstead director and [[blank]] ass't direct. had dinner with Capt. to which I was invited at last minute, on poor information by messenger. I got dressed for 8 oclock dinner and it was at 1800 (6 p.m) usual Capts dinner hr. I was told in Wardroom & it was in Cabin. 
After movies 3 reels & 1/2 over after 10 British group stayed till near midnight, everybody had couple of rounds of coffee. 