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After returning to ship and changing shoes, socks and [[insertion]] dux [[/insertion]] ducks bac clothing we were told that the Green land cruiser was going to take Commadore down to the Green Id. a visit I had wanted and forewent because Jack reported bad ice conditions.///We got away at about 11 a.m. and went to penguins colony on "Valour" Id near by.
[[margin]] [[between red lines]] Adelie [[/between red lines]] [[/margin]]
Picked up a sack of moss. [[strikethrough]] & f [[/strikethrough]] Then we went over to Cape Tuxen [Had to quit this scribble as it was about 2p.m. cook turns out his morning baking and had hot donuts coming out of the hot grease at this time]
The green lush mosses on the N. side of the Cape were something to see, great "ball" of them and smaller tufts - close together but with grooves and crevices between - like walking, or rather on the uphill up the mountainous rock that forms the Cape, on feather pillows a feel I have not had since walking on the Alaska tundras about Chisnik.]
Puddles of melt [[insertion]] ing [[/insertion]] water, lot of moss in bottom of one seemed to have no "insect" life in it at least in sample dried in funnel. - Beautiful view of mts. - moved over to Green Id about which we had "heard" so much via British Admiralty "Coast" Pilot.

Greenland cruiser trip was something! Skuas dived at me on Green Id in Berthelot Ids. Saw 20-30 [[strikethrough]] or perhaps 40 shags [[/strikethrough]] sitting on water in a close group when we swung around to get picture all dived and [[strikethrough]] swa [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] then [[/insertion]] upped and flew off. Was a close huddle.