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[[underlined]] Feb 5. [[/underlined]]
Port Arthur site - humanistics as contrasted to or compared with logistics. Feb. 5th thought.
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I got off at 1:15 and retired by three x[[insertion of block of text from lower on page, linked by line]] (what I wear aboard) Had just gotten into dry ship board togs and was putting on ship board shoes when Capt. personally came down & invited me to go ashore with Commodore who had just ret'd from his chosen site, on Couverville Id. We landed on far side where was natural harbor with breakwater across head of that bay or inlet. where we landed and walked around s. end of Id, partly was snow and rookeries to far side facing Anchorage. I got my "good" "tan" shoes thoroughly soaked only time I've had [[double underlined]] wet [[/double underlined]] feet so far on this trip.

We were not vouchsafed time to get as far as Cape Anna, but did scout quite thoroughly without getting ashore. Cape Spiggot [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] would but for birds make a grand station site.
[[left margin, line above and below]] Adelies? I did not see any [[/left margin]]
Couverville Id where Jack landed also had fine cliff face, but foot and area that could be used for station thickly occupied by [[underlined, in red]] Gentoos [[/underlined]]. Was told there were a few Gentoos among them widely ranging. (flying birds) are omnipresent everywhere. Penguins give distinction to the areas. [[circled]] Gentoos [[/circled]]

[[line taking text to upper portion of page - see earlier insertion]]
[[boxed text]] Float Lab. [[/boxed]] hydraulic press for cans etc. honey bucket solved and trash catcher boat auxiliary.
No sooner than I saw McMurdo and some of wants [[insertion]] needs [[/insertion]] 
Argentine Building and pier heavily snow drifted.
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[[circled]] * [[/circled]] [[underlined]] Argentine Base at Paradise Hbr. 3 or 4 story house against cliff face [[/underlined]]
cantilever to hoist boat [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] by building against cliff avoid ice troubles, small boats could be hoisted.

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[[circled]] p. 44 [[/circled]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 5-63 [[/underlined]]
[[boxed text]] Feb 4 @ 1615 Underway for Danco
2000 anchored off Danco [[/boxed text]]
Feb 4 [[arrow to left to boxed text]]

Told Capt. Mac that we were half way through our survey, as regards "certain" areas (outlined in Lenton Report.
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Capt came in to ask me just as I got back on Couverville Id. [[insertion, by line to text lower down page]] from Nunatak Negro chinstrap penguin colonies. Greatest little hikers of all [[/insertion]]
Saw Commador's [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] site bet [[underlined, in red]] 3:30 [[/underlined]] and [[underlined, in red]] 5:30 [[/underlined]] p.m. Afternoon 1:15 (plus wait) to [[circled]] * [[/circled]] Nunatak Negro (Argentine) chart) Saw Chinstrap penguins climb mt 938 feet high, climb snow up saddle both sides to ridge at top (of saddle) on which numerous birds have nest sites saw one, just [[underlined, in red]] one Gentoo among [[/underlined]] those nesting on shore. 
Cape Spigott (why so named)
[[line to insertion above]]
Mac's estimate was 100,000 birds
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[[left margin, vertical wavy line]] Wright made an a.m. dredge haul in 41 fms [[insertion]] off Danco Id. [[/insertion]] and an afternoon one at second anchorage of the day off Errera Id. anchorage. Archie Nash picked up a fish at one. @ 6 inch silver sided.
Found abandoned boat on Islet took sample of dirt in lower corner, longitudinally [[image: line drawing of boat labeled by arrow "in corner where bottom meets sides"]] 
Made a.m. townet haul. - Poblete,
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I was glad to see the Commodore is so enthusiastic about [[line from this text to paragraph on facing page that describes Couverville Id. trip]]