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[[circled]] 49 [[/circled]]
Feb. 9/63  [[underlined]] Saturday [[/underlined]]
Clear, bright sunny, 38ºF
Beautiful place in fair weather 
at 8:15 go to look at sites. / All kinds of mix up. We did not get cruiser, just utility boat, and too many people. I do not know what Dain's business to take precedence [[circled]] * [[/circled]] over me to look at [[strikethrough]] trap [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Lab sites, even Tom Berg for that matter! What comes first here - Berg, the passenger given an opportunity to join the trip, or the three for whom the trip was arranged with the Navy? Why should Dain & Berg go to inspect sites for Biol. Stu. ahead of me, if I insist that I go it puts me in bad light, but do Dain & Berg say they'll step aside that S. can go? [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] Geol. seems to take precedence over all else./ Anyway one of landing craft had to give up its engine to Greenland cruiser so [[strikethrough]] site party [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] whale boat party [[/insertion]] could have landing craft. site party went in utility launch but why could not bone (souvenir) hunt go out some other, unoccupied time!
However getting dredge haul made, made up for lot else; good haul.
[[line]] /// As luck would have it Jack asked me if I wanted to fly this afternoon (Sat 2 p.m. +) but except for glorious sight seeing trip I saw no point Tis all beautiful, really glorious from the air - sea a deep cobalt blue, the sky light azure [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] sky (blue eyes (steel blue eyes). White caps over the sea, a brisk stimulating wind. Little stronger than than the helo pilots care to takle. Bright