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[[circled]] Feb. 13 [[/circled]]
[[circled]] T.B wants flight he gets it. I ask for trip around Bay (Foster Hbr) and am allowed but 1 hr. [[/circled]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[circled]] 54 [[/circled]]
[[underlined]] Deception Island [[/underlined]] 
[[double underlined]] Feb. 12. 1963 [[/double underlined]]
Falkland Ids Dependecies Rept. Deception Id.
Deception I, Ornithological Rept. for [[underlined]] 1962 [[/underlined]] by C. F. Kyte
Birds. Giant Petrel is about all year
Cape Pigeon most of year except from 11 Aug. to 8 Sept.
Sterna vittata
La [[strikethrough]] u [[/strikethrough]] rus dominicus (is not resident)
Pagodroma nivea, snow petrel
Blue-eyed shag
Skua lonnbegii
Wilson petrel
Sheath-bill, Chionis alba
[[insertion, boxed text  in blue]] Grave yard most depressing place [[/insertion]]
Gentoo, Pyosceles papua (occassional or touring parties
Adelies, single ones with Gentoo tourists
Macaroni 3 pairs nesting in Chinstrap rookery [[insertion]] (Touring Parties) [[/insertion]]
--> Chin-straps most numerous, first arrivals 1962 on Oct. 21, at Baily Head Rookery
Two members of station staff went over on Bailey Head to await returne/On 25th were returning at rate of two a minute by evening [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] 5 to 10,000 birds had arrived. Highest rate of arrival was on 26 & 27th by 28th there were over 50-70,000 birds in residence.
[[insertion, left margin]] [[underlined]] (C.F. Kyte 1962 [[/underlined]] [[triple underlined]] rept to Falklands [[/triple underlined]] [[/insertion]]
Three pairs macaroni penguins nesting among Chin-Straps. At Chilean Base a macaroni was caught and
held for pet to take to Chile, tethered to a long string was feeding, healthy and apparently happy.
[[line across page]]
Among the 250 - [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 4 [[/insertion]] 00,000 [[strikethrough]] Chinstraps [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Penguins [[/insertion]] on Deception
98% or better are Chinstraps 1% or better Gentoo's 1/10 of 1% Adelies [[lines]] and ^[[insertion]] lastly [[/insertion]] few macaronis [[lines]]

Transcription Notes:
The kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), also known as the Dominican gull: per Wikipedia