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[[circled]] 55 [[/circled]]
Feb 12-13
[[underlined]] Deception Id Feb 13th [[/underlined]]

dry shod. //
The hour vouchsafed us at [[strikethrough]] Palmer| [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Deception [[/insertion]] Id [[strikethrough]] tho [[/strikethrough]] made first a tow through flock of cape pigeons, [[margin]] sitting on water [[/margin]] because first they were picking so[[strikethrough]] ming [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] mething [[/insertion]] out of water with bills, but later were further from ship and not feeding so far as I could make out. Landed on shore for pc. red pumice landing difficult (try after try) 
Picked second trap 35 fish all told. Largest yet 21 inches.
35 fish in all. 

[[diagonal line, with directional arrow at each end, leading from date at top of page to following text]]
Yankee Hbr. [[circled]] 13 [[/circled]] th- [[strikethrough]] 14t' [[/strikethrough]]