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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] 62 [[/circled]] Feb.18 1963 (cont'd) Archie Nash, Berg, and Leonard photo went ashore in LSCV, but without suceess, because of shoal water boat could not get closer than 50 yds from shore shallow mud flats. There was talk of putting over fish traps but there was too much [[strikethrough]] ice [[/strikethrough]] drifting ice; any way as yesterday the morning was fogg and had even more light snow, at least more remained on the bridge deck Any way we finally got starte to round from Eastside of [[strikethrough]] Seymour [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Snow Hill [[/insertion]]where we were anchore to the west, going around Seymour because we could not go through narrow and the too shallow and not [[strikethrough]] too [[/strikethrough]] wide [[strikethrough]] bay [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] strait [[/insertion]] does not admit vessells of our size. The weather did not improve all day [[strikethrough]] though [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] As [[/insertion]] snow stopped, wind got up. and at supper time was blowing a 2-40 gale almost. White Caps, and a chilly cold wind, I should say piercing chilled you to the bone; the temperature was still reasonable @ [[blank]] but the wind [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] made [[/insertion]] you feel that the cold was biting. [[line across page]] Today we all felt cold the temperature at 9 p.m. was [[strikethrough]] 28.9 [[/strikethrough]] 29.8 (nearly 30º) and the wind 27 knots. We would never have noticed the 30º temperature had it not been for the wind; it just sort of blew through you. [[line]] We had anchored last night off east side (toward N. end) of Snow Hill Island