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[[double underlined]] 19th [[/underlined]] During the forenoon at Seymour, bet 10 & 12. We had great difficulty in landing till Jack suggested pulling up along ice shelf/or large stranded cake/ The island is barren and desolate looking; practically no birds Berg saw one, Capt. Mac 5 lonesome looking one; saw a moulted beaten up dead one; and in a gulley [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] skeleton of dead crab eater with considerable of the hide still about. There is a big valley down the middle of N. end where a muddy stream bed in bottom. No Vegetat of any kind, though when Tom Berg and Commodore went ashore in late evening on the [[blank space]] [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] piece of lichen commodore putt in his pocket to bring back was just too crumbled for retreval from pocket Berg picked out best of Doty's ammonites, but I believe I have/an incomplete one of about same size. 

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[[start page]]

[[circled]] 64 [[/circled]]
Feb. 19/63
[[circled]] Seymour [[/circled]]
Just take [[?]] brushed it + [?] - (Se[?])  ./. 
If one of his men had coll. something I desired I'd at least ask for it, and not just pick it up and keep it is like fish at lunch; offer him a piece (offer to share & he dumps whole of it on his place.
I got quite a few fossil shells , & ammonites [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] we [[/insertion]] found a dead young crab eater seal skeleton in rill above beach go 3 molars and two canines out of piece (1/2 = one mandible)
No end of real-estate for building, not much boat shelter, & virtually no birds
^[[insertion]] In a.m. [[/insertion]] Capt Mac saw 5 penquins, Bert 1.
Nr. other birds about in air over, or on island.  
[[boxed entry]] Lost our trap at 10 p.m. [[/boxed entry]]
[was put on starboard side to avoid drain [Port side was probably too much work passing net forward
I was too "bad" weather to run recreation parties ashore but Berg and Commodore went! Regardless
It was weather too that led us to pass up Snow Hill Id. yet for Geol. it was O.K.? That 19th handling was something./
On Seymour plenty of real-estate probably suitable for all the building you might want to have and air runways too, but very soft and muddy place, where did all silt come from and breccia?
But absolutely barren in all directions though Berg and Commsdore said the got but could not find in pockets the little bits they collected. Why were they not put in a [[insertion]] little [[/insertion]] bag or plastic bag of which Berg had plenty 

Transcription Notes:
Blue line is part of boxed text, not strikethrough for 'starboard side' text.