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[[circled]] 65 [[/circled]]
Feb 20, 1963.
[[circled]] Welchness [[/circled]]  

[[strikethrough]] After trials landed [[insertion]] about 1:00 oclock [[/insertion]] at base of Cape or Point Welchness, [[insertion]] party [[/insertion]] had to wade couple of inlets were due back at 11:45 had brief spell ashore [[/strikethrough]] In LCVP with traps and tow nets put survey party ashore, about 10:05 [[insertion]] a.m. they [[/insertion]] were due back at 11:45. took us with fish traps tow net haul and some soundings Mr. Thomas felt necessary, about full time to return to take off shore party did not get lunch till after 12 (usual time 11:20) and then had to rush to get off on one o'clock boat to get ashore in afternoon, stayed till 4. 

[[left margin, line around text]] Took of WT on second set of Seymour Id. haul & since not used [[/left margin]] 

Wright made a meager dredge haul. [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] Was awaiting me at 12. & then in afternoon made a second (both at anchorage)
// Ayalu, Doty, Poblete & I walked across spit to extreme end where ice meets beach & back while Jack who had preceeded us walked along by the beach, Ice on both sides of spit, [[underlined]] lee as well as windward [[/underlined]] 
Dead seals on land; Saw adult & immature skuas together (only 2 I saw) terns, Domincan gulls, Gentoo penguins; no nests though