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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] 69 [[/circled]] Bad weather, overcast snowed toward evening Feb. 25 False Bay, Livingston Id. Chinstraps everywhere (2 places) I looked lonesome little groups of dozen to 20 each, standing around. Bad large boulder beach, with high terrace of heaped up stones & rocks behind 20-30 feet high heaped up by storms, rocks well rounded off must have been rolled back and forth for years. #61-/63 [[in box]] Dredge haul mud with scattering of rocks and coarse gravel [[/in box]] Moved over to Discovery Bay by Chilean Arturo Prat Station - The commodore invited several of them over [and see other side this page] [[image: hand-drawn map, showing Greenwich Id., Discovery Bay, English Straight, Ash Pt. Soberania Bay, Base, Brunfidd St. MacFarlane St. and Yankee Harbor]]