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[[in box]]Lost F.W. algae [[/in box]] because I did not look after them, also amphipods in traps twice, + homs too

From beach at Potters Cove went back, whole crowd of us in LCVP, 

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Monday, Mar 4, 1963 [[circled]] 75 [[/circled]]
Capt. Mac made the flight recon over Potters Cove today at 6am. Arr. in Potters Cove and went over in Helicopter (ferry service) with Poblete after Jack ^[[insert]] & Berg[[/insert]], and survey Part (Nash) had gone on two previous trips. [[line across]
Went over to Admiralty Bay where because of a morning dredge haul I skipped the Helicopter flight, [[strikethrough]] but attempted [[/strikethrough]] to go with survey party to [[underline]]Keller [[/underline]]peninsula ate early supper at 4 to 430 (4:45 p.m.) departed for British Base but couldn't get ashore because of brash ice up against shore, set out fish traps nearer ship.
[[line across]]

Futile attempts to get ashore at Base 6. 

This nite as I was running through the drum of mud it was 23[[degree symbol]] or 24[[degree symbol]] about the coldest since joining this ship used hot water but when I went at drum which had been hauled some time earlier water standing on top was frozen over & that was salt water! The mud I cast out froze to the rail