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[[circled]] 76 [[/circled]]
Tuesday, Mar. 5.
We did hit a spell of bad weather, this a.m. "they" had a great hesitation about getting survey party ashore to West side [[strikethrough]] Pe [[/strikethrough]] Keller Peninsula, we were unable to land on East side because of [[strikethrough]] 3 heavy [[/strikethrough]] wide belt of heavy ice blocks and cakes blown up to and onto beach tried several times and finally [[strikethrough]] fen[[/strikethrough]] gave it up and returned to ship. after which we dropped fish traps of rocky area ^[[insertion]] to East [[/insertion]] opposite Keller Pensinsula where British Hut is. (left unoccupied after [[circled]] '61 [[/circled]] ( At 4:30 finally made up minds to give up hanging around and start for home

[[left margin, extended (]] The blowing, but chiefly the heavy swell caused the water to come over. While at supper 5:30 or 5:40 we were warned (prohibited from going out on deck without special permission as it was too dangerous. 
We/got underway @ [[blank]] after fooling about all day Fortunately we were [[strikethrough]] alo [[/strikethrough]] permitted to get our fish traps back. But no fish. Few amphipods & a few "worms" (nemertean).

Passed Penguin Id. wanted to get picture of it through spray. from ship would have made a picture 
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[[left margin, vertical lines]] At 6:30 was blowing quite a bit spray dashed against pilot house windows 64-70 feet above sea level and went right over flying bridge or roof of wheel hous. 6:30 little before to little after saw Penguin Id. and Lions Rump Cape. [[image: line drawing]] no meat but [[bacon and egg?]]