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[[page written upside down]] [[underlined]] 2. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Weather [[/underlined]] (cont'd): at Adelaide said that ^[[insertion]] current (this season) [[/inserion]] weather was about best in last six years, for this time of year. Birds scattered/ [[insertion]] Adelie [[/insertion]] penguins (Capt Mac says darker and smaller than McMurdo ones [[underlined]] Skua breeding site Dark skua Arctic tern Catharacta lonnbergi Blue Shag = Cormorant [[/underlined]] Phalacrocorax atriceps [[underlined]] Catharacta maccormick: [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] Sterna Paradisea [[/underlined]] [[connected to "Arctic tern" by line]] Thought I saw one Dominican gull 26 X. 62 Examination of [[circled]] L [[/circled]] inguinal region reveals a moderate sized [[circled]] L [[/circled]] inguinal hernia which can be held at the internal ring Kirkpatrick Generally it is true surgical services' recommendation is that inguinal hernia be repaired but not on any emergency basis. Although it is unlikely that the patient will experience complications in the next few months we cannot with assurance say that he will be free of symptoms and complications. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[right side up]] [[circled]] 77 [[circled]] Wedneday March 6 underway for Valpo. The mornings feel colder, though we are dressed the same Mar.7. Thursday. Rough rocky day, a bit of sunshine at mid-day (best swing [[insertion]] roll [[/insertion]] 45°) Mar.8 As rocky as yesterday wind stronger whipping spray off tops of waves and sending it length of ship, and over wheel house could have [[underlined]] put [[/underlined]] them [[double underlined]] in this noon [[/double underlined]] [[boxed]] Mar.9. Beard judging today. (after Bingo) Overcast 52° when I got up, in forenoon 54. [[strikethrough]] now at 12:30 [[/strikethrough]] - Also give out fish prizes Foggy Rain? plenty of spray, cant go out but what glasses need washing before you can see indoors again [["again" written sideways]] [[/boxed]] P 52-55 out in B.V.Ds gave out fish prizes [[underlined]] March 10 [[/underlined]] Sunday 57°
Transcription Notes:
Valpo. = Valparaiso