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[[NOTE: portion of page is covered by overlaying note; full text is on previous digital page]]

[[in box]] Tow net hauls [[underlined]] 20 [[/underlined]] = 1963
Fish traps set 16 times [[circled]] * [[/circled]]
Dredge hauls   30  " [[ditto for: times]]
[[underlined]] Ashore for ^[[insertion]] shore [[/insertion]] collecting 28 times [[/underlined]]
with loss of nets on 2 occasion = 18 [[|]] [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 7 [[/insertion]] 4 & 20
[[/in box]]
Look up: [[underlined]] Antarctic Treat  Ask Stanford. [[/underlined]]

Ed. Schafers [[?]]
Huge DeWitt (Dan [[?]]
Antarctic Fish [[?]]

[[note taped to page]]
[[rotated 90ยบ to right]]
[[in box]] Blanche Knoll 1,700 
10 a.m. Jan. 21 [[/box]]   [[underlined]] ROTHERA [[/underlined]] POINT
[[in box]] 10 a.m. Jan. 21 [/box]] 

[[image - Pen sketch of Map showing legend; Compass direction; Ryder Bay; Stonehouse Bay
Also shows distance scale]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[in box]] 5th 0800 to 6th 0800 [[/in box]]
[[in box]] [[double underlined]] Jan 5 [[/double underlined]] 
[[two columns]]
313      5
317.5    6
315.5    7
302      8
342      9
252     10
245     11
259     12
227.5   13
292     14
271.5   15
312.7   16
206     17
[[/in box]]
[[in box]] Distances run [[double underlined]] 1963   date [[/double underlined]] [[/in box]]
[[double underlined]] Weather Summary [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] for Jan opposite [[/underlined]] page [[circled]] 1. [[/circled]]
{Ballard Picture of sunset
Grove rock (pumice) Deception

[[in box, double outlined]] Mr. Miller: [[/in box]]
[[in box]] Photographic Office Commander - U.S. Naval Support Force - Antarctica - Room 2020 Bldg "D" 6th and Independence Ave S.W. Wash. 25, D.C.
OX-6-7164} = Code II
OX-6-7146}   6-7146 [[/in box]]

[[in box]] From Tom Jones: 
Naval Message 02 March 63
Unclass for Crowell Palmer Station A, .... Discussions subsequent to Ref. B. ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] M1015392 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]] reveal that first intcrement [sic] of Palmer Sta. can probably established in JWBVZ. Preliminary planning for a 20 man camp going forward A. Will utilize prefabrication concept which were [sic] very successful at Eight Sta. B. Unit layout being kept flexible so adjustments can be accomplished if necessary and the site permits 
3. When survey is completed recommend that you, Schmitt, McDonald and Berg proceed ASAP from first possible port. Advise port and ETA so all travel can be arranged for all. T.O. Jones [[/in box]]

Transcription Notes:
Put text that is obscured in [[?]] - for full text see previous digital page