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[[Image: Hand-drawn star]]
Thursday, October 13, 1938
70˚ to 76

Lovely - Indian summer, Arthur made shelf over metre.  Both to P.O. & Farm & Fireside - while at latter place saw Bill in his Ford - touring Brooksie in his French car.  We met them at our place & all to Centerport garage - Bob said, Whales then[[?]] ?" Arthur said; "I thought we could breed them,"- referring to Brooksies & an aged Cadilac — Both out looking — Arthur did 2 water colors, one of squirrel crossing road.  I found rare leaves.  Out again in P. M.

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Friday, October 14, 1938

Arthur did water color — I cleaned my work shop out — very nice.
Ivie & Brooksie here in P. M. all to Muellers for slight supper.