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Wednesday, November 2, 1938 Arthur & I to Huntington, met Bill & Marian. Arthur waiting for 1.90 electric razor to come in - took Bill as model with incipient beard but no razor. The Brooksies are settled in Port Jefferson. [[end page]] [[start page]] Tel. men here — sawed tree off wires Thursday, November 3, 1938 Indian summer continuing. Arthur up early. I up late. He, with John to P.O. Phillips check. To John Caldrons, got 3 large French canvas; on large stretcher, & 5 of my paintings I thought I'd destroyed. Two not bad. Others I took off & put new linen on. Arthur just signing on one of his & mine. John worked all day sawing tree. Arthur did water color. I wrote to Miss Bier. Walked to P.O. in P.M.