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Continued expense account. Sept. 5. 42. to Tony Curcio for foundation at sides of house. Sept. 13. .98 - Ketcham Sept. 15. to Ketcham for rubberoid for insulation for floor - shingles for roof. $6.28 $10.00 Sept 13, Store - Curcio 9.00 Sept 14, 500 ft maple flooring 6.00 Sept 17, gas stove at Sal. Army. Sept. 4.00 more flooring, wood porch. 1.50 door & window. 1.69 Ketcham 27.50 Angelo - laying floor 8.00 John Benham .64 [[end page]] [[start page]] 10.00 deposit on gas Oct. 26. 2.00 2 loads sand " " 2.00 John -/ working on stove pipe & sand. John Benham - 31.75 Other man on tree 2.00 Roof ^[[other side of roof]] 42.00 Shingling 186.00 Bathroom& 70.00 lattice 18.00 Back door 6.00 Mr. Johnson 20.00 glass for door 3.00