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fish & oysters arrive in schooners and buckeyes.  Then with [[red underline]] George Roll to Dr. David Fairchild's office. A very interesting man. [[/red underline]] He is in charge of Bureau of [[red underline]] Plant Introduction. [[/red underline]] Ate pistaches, Mexican avocado also the northern [[strikethrough]] allya [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Papaw [[/red underline]] a totally new fruit to me, which seems unknown although it actually grows over many of the Eastern and Northern or Middle States.  Tastes much like ordinary papaw but has more aroma and is smaller.  [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] promises me a set to plant in Yonkers.  There was also Mrs. Zelia [[red underline]] Nutall [[/red underline]] who lives in [[red underline]] Mexico [[/red underline]], see Who is who.  and who is an [[red underline]] archeologist [[/red underline]]. 

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We all went to Cosmos Club for lunch where met [[red underline]] Mrs. Fairchild (Dr. Alexander Graham Bell's daughter) and Arthur Bullard & his wife [[/red underline]] and another lady who with Mrs. Fairchild seems to be interested in dyeing experiments.  A very interesting morning.  Afternoon went to visit [[red underline]] Admiral Smith. [[/red underline]]  I went back to the [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] for supper.  

Oct 21.  Another beautiful day [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Admiral Smith [[/red underline]] at lunch with us in Cosmos Club.  [[red underline]] John Bassett Moore and Alsberge [[/red underline]] same table.  [[strikethrough]] Went to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Admiral Smith [[/red underline]] drove us to Navy Yard.  
Especially interested in optical glass shop, in charge of two young officers. All lenses and prisms finished there in special shop occupying an entire building of several floors.  The glass is furnished