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of joy before her christmas tree, and sleigh, and dollies etc.  Christmas dinner Mrs. van Tuyl wife of Professor of Geology was present and towards evening drove me to Denver in her Franklin car.
Dec. 26. (Sunday). Went to Golden after lunch. and returned with 8:30 P.M. train. Told about my experiences in Florida on Cygnet. - More snow
Dec 27.  [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] here in morning. He tells me he is specialyzing in [[red underline]] in geology. [[/red underline]]  Had another intimate [[red underline]] talk with him. [[/red underline]] Told him he should not hinder his career by starting on any job which brings him in merely money but try to find his work where he has a chance to develop himself intellectually and
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under congenial conditions and where he can build up the foundation of better and bigger work and that if his income is insufficient I shall be glad to try to help him financially during the transition period. Afterwards we went to Golden to visit the different buildings of the school of mines library etc. Got acquainted with some of his professors.
Dec. 28.  Bought round trip ticket to San Diego via San Francisco & Los Angeles to leave Jan 1
cost is 103.12 for ticket 17.82 for Pullman to Frisco Total 120.97
Goodbody bought for me the following securities:
100 U.S. Industrial Alcohol 61
" [[ditto for: 100]] N.Y. Air Brake 67 1/2
" [[ditto for: 100]] Anaconda 31
" [[ditto for: 100]] Nat. Enamel 45 3/4
Total $207.50