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110 [[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] Chess player [[/left margin]] our directors but in the mean time I [[red underline]] personally was disposed to help the matter [[/red underline]] along and I had no doubt we would be able to come to some arrangement. I went for supper to University Club. After supper witnessed a most remarkable thing. [[two red exclamation points in left margin]] An [[red underline]] eight-year polish boy, rather undersized for his age, pale [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] and sad looking was playing chess against 20 members of our club. They were seated each before a little table ^[[each]] with [[strikethrough]] the ches [[/strikethrough]] a separate chessboard the whole outfit making a closed square along which the little boy moved [[strikethrough]] rapidly [[/strikethrough]] steadily, [[strikethrough]] takin [[/strikethrough]] making each move, sometimes nonchalantly some other times after some hesitation, [[end page]] [[start page]] 111 and winning ^[[the]] several games [[strikethrough]] while [[/strikethrough]] before I left to take the 10:40 PM train for home. Feb. 11. [[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Dane Mfg [[/vertical annotation]] Here all day. Snow. George Roll tells me affairs of [[red underline]] Dane Molding Co [[/red underline]] seem more involved than ever and seems to recommend radical action. That stupid [[red underline]] arrangement of May putting us entirely at the mercy of Burroughs seems more absurd than [[/red underline]] ever. I am tired of the whole thing Bakelite Co included. Feb 12. Another day when I feel very [[red underline]] nervous and unhappy [[/red underline]] and wonder why I am foolish enough to [[red underline]] continue this [[strikethrough]] thread [[/strikethrough]] squirrel cage life, hemmed in [[/red underline]] by all the business bothers of a business which [[red underline]] no longer has any interest for me [[/red underline]] and which compels me to stay here instead of traveling around the world
Transcription Notes:
Chess player probably Samuel Reshevsky who gave many such simultaneous chess-playing exhibitions at the age of 8 in New York and other cities.