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enthusiastic about the removal to [[underlined in red]] Perth Amboy. [[/underlined in red]] Dr. [[underlined in red]] Carwith showed me a small sample of a transparent film which he says someone in his research department has evolved during the war. He says substance is fusible at 60 [[degree symbol]] C. but thinks [[strikethrough]] fusing [[/strikethrough]] melting point could be increased Promises me further information after I told him we were much interested in this subject. 
Took supper at University Club then annual meeting of the Club and election. [[strikethrough]] Harding [[/strikethrough]] [[superscript]] Haridon [[/superscript]] led opposition and minority report of reform committee.
Feb 17. Another bright but mild day. [[underlined in red]] George Roll [[/underlined in red]] away to Newark to 
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compute cost of removal of plant to Perth Amboy. Went to [[underlined in red]] Ion [[/underlined in red]] with Lewis to examine sun railing fastenings. Boat is in good condition. Jim arranged [[underlined in red]] mahogany lid on box [[/underlined in red]] amidships
Feb 18. Here all day until evening went [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] to meeting of Institute of Electrical Engineers. Award of [[underlined in red]] Edison Medal to Pupin [[/underlined in red]] who is taking as subject of "Wave transmission" referred to his early days as a barefooted shepherd helper in Serbia a splendid address. [[underlined in red]] Peet, McKetterick [[/underlined in red]] and Hardon there with me. Afterward [[underlined in red]] Pupin Peet, McKetterick, Hardon and Townsend and Bridges [[/underlined in red]] all joined in the latters room in [[underlined in red]] University Club. [[/underlined in red]] where I prepared a [[underlined in red]] hot rum punch [[/underlined in red]] which I had brought from Yonkers
Feb 19. Had to leave home