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March 1, 1921. Lewis and Jim out to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] to finish job on balustrade. I feel much [[red underline]] run down, [[/red underline]] nervous and irritated with the hundred and one [[red underline]] disagreeable [[/red underline]] details of G. B. Co business which chew up my [[red underline]] time and attention. Am more determined than ever to get rid of all of this some way or another even if I have to sacrifice [[/red underline]] my holdings by selling them at a [[red underline]] bargain. [[/red underline]]
March 2. Yesterday had some difference of attitude with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] which made me conclude to leave the house for a few days and find different surroundings in the University Club. 
[[strikethrough]] March [[/strikethrough]]
Evening [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] came to see me to interview me and find out whether I
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would not be disposed to exchange my holdings in General Bakelite Co. for [[red underline]] Union Carbide Co. That Mr. Price [[/red underline]] had expressed to him repeatedly the wish of such an arrangement. This would relieve me of all the humdrum and management of the General Bakelite Co, yet enable even better to carry out policy of research and further development.
This subject is mentioned just at a moment when I am [[red underline]] exceedingly tired of this squirrel-cage existence [[/red underline]] and the bother of endless details and worries of my company. If such an arrangement will give me more freedom of my time and allow me to travel and be away for [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] two years while roaming over the world away from my present tread-mill existence, then I am willing