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his office when asking information.  Either they had found nobody to give them information or [[red underline]] incompetent information (Hall) [[\red underline]] or information had been furnished [[red underline]] in a curt, biting unpleasant manner by himself. [[\red underline]] When he asked me to specify about himself I told him that I myself was reluctant to come to his office and talk matters over with him on account of his curt surly grouchy ways which put me on the defensive. That his letters were excellent but that on the other hand he did [[red underline]] not know the art of talking over a subject with another [[\red underline]] man without putting the latter on the defensive
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[[in margin in red]] Dane [[\in margin]]
or making him feel that he took curt, inferior airs.
March 5. [[red underline]] George Roll [[\red underline]] came to see me at University Club reporting that both Rossi and [[red underline]] Fuller [[\red underline]] had decided that it would be best to stay in [[red underline]] Newark [[\red underline]] for a while longer. I went to bank to transfer 100 shares Baldwin Locomotive Preferred in [[red underline]] George Bakeland's name. [[\red underline]]
Then went to Goodbody & Co where I handed a check for $11400.00 to Byron Holt in payment of stock bought lately. Afternoon physical examination Life Extension Institute.
March 6 (Sunday) Quiet Sunday at the Club. Spent all day reading.
March 7. This morning went to have [[red underline]] Xray photographs [[\red underline]] made of [[red underline]] my teeth [[\red underline]] at Life Extension Institute. Lunch at Century Club