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Evening supper at University Club then Lewis drove me to Yonkers.
March 8. [[red underline]] Feel much depressed all day. More decided than [[\red underline]] ever to get away from the Bakelite Co and all business matters. Told so to Celine. Lewis all day working on [[red underline]] Ion [[\red underline]] at the clutch.
March 9. This has been a succession of very mild weather.  Really no winter except a few days. This morning another irritating letter of [[red underline]] Mr. Wright [[\red underline]] to which I answered. Continental Fibre.
At 1 P.M. Townsend had invited me for lunch to meet [[red underline]] Mr. Price, president of Union Carbide Co. who came accompanied with two of his directors Mr. Hochet? and [[\red underline]]
[[in left margin]] O'Shea [[\left margin]]
and the other [[red underline]] Mr. Becket? [[\red underline]]
I am not sure of their names. The idea of Townsend is that it might prove a simplification
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for me and a benefit to the [[red underline]] General Bakelite Co. [[\red underline]] if our company had the advantage of connection with the [[red underline]] Union Carbide Group [[\red underline]] of industries and their research and office organization. The matter was discussed in a general informal way. [[red underline]] I perceive some real advantages for me and the company [[\red underline]] if all the bothersome details I of our company which irritate me and tire me out could be left in the hands of others and if we could benefit by their general organization. On the other hand I see quite some serious difficulties which may arise in a consolidation of the kind. I am told [[red underline]] May [[\red underline]] is ill in bed and will not be able to go to office before at least one week. Evening had a further talk with [[red underline]] Townsend [[\red underline]] about Union