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[[red underline]] Rigger started splicing shrouds Boat looks good and [[/red underline]] strong and sturdy
April 24. (Sunday) Beautiful weather. Spent a few hours in morning while rigger is continuing his work on the [[red underline]] shrouds. [[/red underline]]
April 25. All day on [[red underline]] Ion. [[/red underline]] Fine weather. [[strikethrough]] Jones came to measure for a suit of sails. W. W. Nutting came aboard this afternoon thinks the Ion looks sturdy. [[/strikethrough]]
Evening went with George [[red underline]] Roll [[/red underline]] to Club Night at University Club. Mendelsohn Glee Club concert.
April 26. Placed [[red underline]] running lights [[/red underline]] in shrouds of Ion. Townsend 
[[The following text was circled with an arrow pointing to an annotation on the next page stating that Townsend's visit should have been dated April 27.]]
came to see her then went home with me for supper
Told him about our new work in making bakelite
[[/circled text]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
from [[red underline]] dioxydiphenylethane [[/red underline]] obtained in crystals from action of [[red underline]] acetaldehyde on formaldehyde. [[/red underline]]
April 27. Fine weather. All day on [[red underline]] Ion. Am all sunburnt. W.W. Nutting [[/red underline]] came aboard and thinks she is a sturdy roomy [[red underline]] boat. [[/red underline]] Jones came to make measurements for a suit of sails after my [[strikethrough]] spe [[/strikethrough]] plan  
Afternoon Townsend came aboard then home.
[[An arrow indicates that the circled text from previous page should have been entered at this point, under the date of April 27.]]
The entry on [[red underline]] April 26 should be marked April 27 [[/red underline]] when Townsend came.
April 28. Skeleton for rear awning is up and [[Staeb?]] came to take measurements
April 29. Hard at work all day on [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] with Lewis, finally got her [[red underline]] deck cleaned up [[/red underline]] for first time and placed davits in stern where they fit in well. Boat looks sturdier every day