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wind too light or the current which worked in contrary since was too strong for the wind.
Came back to Perth Amboy anchorage towards evening [[strikethrough]] after towing a passing thru a violent squall & thunder storm near [[/strikethrough]]
June 11. Left Perth Amboy after midday moderate NW. breeze
Ran under mizzen & staysail with awning up and made fair headway. Running with wind on quarter or beam I [[red underline]] can easily control [[/red underline]] without much handling of the rudder, but unable to heave to more than about 45° to the wind.
Later on put on power and sailed up Hudson with mizzen set. At 130 str. ran into violent squall and rain & thunder storm but left mizzen up
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without bailing or reeving and she held well with wind on port quarter. Further on was signaled by large fast motor boat from Washington in distress. Towed her to Reliance motor Co but found there our clutch was fouled so had to drop anchor myself and [[strikethrough]] carry [[/strikethrough]] get to our moorings by rowing out a warp and much pulling. Rain. Lewis went home and returned about 10 P.M with motor car to take me to Snug Rock.
June 12 (Sunday). The [[red underline]] Kendals [[/red underline]] came here on afternoon and remained for supper.
June 13. All day devoted to telephoning and belated correspondence, a very irritating job now that I have [[red underline]] nobody to replace Miss Evans. [[/red underline]]
June 14. Went to [[red underline]] Ion. [[/red underline]] Jones came